VigRx Delay Spray - Experience Strong Erection and Long Penis?

Before we go into detail about the advertised effects of the drug and examine whether the manufacturer's claims are realistic, let's take a look at what the VigRx Delay Spray sex activator is.

As the name suggests, it is a sexual enhancer. However, its ingredients and mode of action should be distinctly different from other competitors on the market. Unlike other formulations, VigRx Delay Spray is capable of positively affecting not only the user's sexual performance, but also increasing the size and diameter of the penis.

That said, we were able to find that VigRx Delay Spray is an improved version of Vigrx, which the manufacturer released several years ago to help men with their potency problems. While Vigrx is primarily focused on solving erectile dysfunction, the manufacturer makes it clear that VigRx Delay Spray is primarily focused on things like penis size and girth.

This is because many men struggle not only with the common problem of erectile dysfunction itself, but also with an overly small and thin penis. In order to kill two birds with one stone, the manufacturers of the formula have reportedly improved their formula, thus bringing a more effective product to the market.

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Appropriately, this sexual enhancer and penis wax has been available to patients in the market since 2004. According to the manufacturer, VigRx time extension spray is one of the most famous, popular, as well as effective sexual enhancers that has a very large base of satisfied users.

When it comes to the ingredients of the enhancement formula, the manufacturer claims that VigRx Delay Spray is a natural and therefore pure herbal formula that is based on carefully researched and also selected ingredients of natural origin.